Transaction Model

This task defines the data access transactions that will be used by the system. For each transaction, its nature (create, read update, delete), and data attributes are defined. This information will be used in implementation of the physical database schema to better ensure performance.
Risk & Impact:
This task defines how the physical aspect of the database should be setup to support both the volume of data in the solution and the performance of the solution. Inadequate analysis in this task can lead to a poorly performing solution and potentially significant rework at both the database and application level to change.
Upstream Tasks:
Downstream Tasks:
Questions Asked:
  • What are the transactions that will be occurring against the database?
  • For each transaction, what attributes will it touch and how will it use them? 
  • How frequently will each transaction occur? 
  • What is the performance requirement for each transaction?
  • Iterates with:
    CRUD Matrix – A document or spreadsheet showing each transaction, the attributes it used and the operation performed on them (read, create, update, delete).